Documentation of your ultrasound study should be done in Meditech. Open the “ultrasound” tab at the top of the screen and then enter one of the following dotphrases.
Exam | dotphrase / quick text |
Aorta | .usaorta |
Cardiac – TTE | .uscardiac |
Cardiac – TTE | .usecho |
Cardiac Arrest | .usarrest |
Cardiac Arrest | .uscode |
Cardiac – TEE | .ustee |
DVT | .usdvt |
Femoral Nerve Block | .usfnb |
Femoral Nerve Block | .usnerveblock |
Gallbladder | .usgb |
Gallbladder | .usruq |
Gallbladder | .usgallbladder |
Musculoskeletal | .usmsk |
Nerve Block | .usnerveblock |
Ocular | .usocular |
Ocular | .useye |
Pelvic (non-preg) | .uspelvic |
Pelvic (preg) | .usob |
Pelvic (preg) | .uspreg |
Procedure Guidance | .usprocedure |
Renal / Bladder | .usrenal |
Renal / Bladder | .usbladder |
Shock/Rush | .usshock |
Shock/Rush | .usrush |
Soft Tissue | .ussofttissue |
Soft Tissue | .ussoft |
Soft Tissue | .usabscess |
Thoracic / Lung | .usthoracic |
Thoracic / Lung | .uslung |
Trauma / FAST | .ustrauma |
Trauma / FAST | .usfast |
Vascular Access | .usiv |
Vascular Access | .usaccess |